Cuban Sandwich or Hot Ham

I saw a recipe for a Cuban sandwich the other day and it looked

so good!  I thought I’ve just got to make one of those,

so one day while home on lunch I threw

this together.  It was quite tasty and I will be

making this again soon.

As usual, there is a twist.  My mom always laughed at me ’cause if

I don’t have it, I’ll substitute something for it!  🙂

This sandwich is made using my low carb biscuit for the bread

and unfortunately I had no pork roast, so maybe I should

just call this a Hot Ham Sandwich?!

I really didn’t use a recipe (but I will give you a link at the end)

and used more of a process, so I will overwhelm you

with pics and how I did made it.

I thought the sandwich photographed nicely and I couldn’t

chose just one picture to share, so that’s why I’ve posted

several different angles here.

I made up my biscuit dough and actually fried it up like a pancake.

It made 2 good size pancakes or fried bread.

I sliced one of the “pancakes”  into and flipped it over and spread

mayo on both “crusts” of the bread.  I then layered

sliced ham, cheese, and pickles, sprinkled with sea salt and

smokehouse pepper and assembled the sandwich.  I proceeded to

spread with butter and toast on both sides since I don’t own

a sandwich press.  Yummo!

It was great as a quick lunch.  Also, this sandwich would make a

great party appetizer when cut into smaller pieces

or served along with soup would be dinner!


Here’s more on the Cuban Sandwich:

Celebrate Cuban

Taste of Cuba

Latin Food at About dot Com

. . .

Partying over at:

4 responses to “Cuban Sandwich or Hot Ham

  1. WOW, this looks soooo yummy Ÿ

    Thanks so much for stopping by Pittypat Paperie and leaving the sweet comment. Hope you can drop by again sometimes.

  2. mmm that looks sooo good!

  3. WOW! This looks DELICIOUS! I’m so excited you came and commented on my mantel, cuz now I see you have a GREAT blog. See we are Texans living in AZ for just over a year and I need some good ole southern recipes!! We miss home and GOOD food. Oh the food out here, even at the most highly rated restaurants is TERRIBLE and so bland! AND that mantel I got is from Target. They have many different sizes and colors to choose from.

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